Friday, June 24, 2011

The Highlands from Julia's perspective

We spent some time in the Highlands of Scotland this week. The week started out stressful because we missed our bus. My dad passed the bus station three times with out noticing the big sign that said Bus Station. His excuse is that the sign was vertical rather than horizontal (and he says I'm a dork). It all worked out well because we got a bus for later that day. The week was full of hiking, canoeing, playing games, and eating amazing food. Michel, the owner of the bed and breakfast we stayed at, was so nice. He said I should come back in a few years and work at the bed and breakfast over the summer. I think it would be so much fun. We're off to London in two days. Barely enough time to wash all our dirty clothes and pack them again. Through this all I've still managed to read at least five books. I only have two left. I don't know if I will survive.



  1. They don't have books in Europe??? Read what you have, then get MORE! And in defense of your dad, how many times did YOU see the sign??? Glad to hear your doing well!!!


  2. Love hearing about your trip! I miss you all!!!

  3. And I am sure you all saw the sign....your dad's a dork!

  4. Once upon a time I missed the exit to Great America 3 times with a carload of Cheryl's friends. Episodes like this make for great family stories. Glad you're having such a great trip. Savor every minute of it.
